Here are a few PDFs of recent research presentations documenting ongoing work:

AMS-SMF-EMF Joint International Meeting. Grenoble, July 2022. “Between biography and prosopography: the research school as a unit of analysis for considering the history of women in mathematics.”

Seminar PhilMath Intersem, Paris, June 2022. “Russell, Von Staudt, and Hilbert in the Bryn Mawr Mathematics Journal Club Notebooks.”

Vassar College, Department of Mathematics Seminar, Poughkeepsie, November and Bryn Mawr College, Department of Mathematics Destressing Seminar, Bryn Mawr, May 2022. “The problem and probability of marriage for alumnae in Progressive Era United States.”

Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice, Zürich, January 2020 (Keynote address). “Mathematics or moonshine: non-euclidean geometry in The Monist at the turn of the twentieth century.”